Author Archives: Connie

Mystery on the Menu

I joined fourteen other bestselling mystery authors on January 28, 2017 in the Skyline Room of the Cerritos Library for a wonderful lPauluncheon and author event.

Our panel was just one of three, and Paul D. Marks was our moderator.   Appearing with me was D.P. Lyle, Paul D. Marks, Naomi Hirahara and Dave Putnam.


OthersIt was wonderful to hang with good friends too!  Here’s Paul with Nancy Cole Silverman, Naomi Hirahara and Dianne Emley.

And below is a group shot of all the attending authors:

Top row, left to right:  Sybil Johnson, Marcia Clark, Mike Befeler, Nancy Cole Silverman, Jill Amadio, Christopher J. Lynch, Dianne Emley, Betty Hechtman, Patricia Smiley and Linda O. Johnston.

Seated:  Doug Lyle, Connie di Marco/Connie Archer, Paul D. Marks, Naomi Hirahara and Dave Putman.  Seated below are Janice and Padmini, to the right, our wonderful librarians!



Cooking with a Serial Killer

No . . . not me.  Although I may have thought of it from time to time.  I’m talking about Dorothea Helen Puente.  Ever heard of her?  She’s apparently quite famous, but I hadn’t known of her until I visited the Museum of Death in New Orleans where a few of her very sweet handwritten… Continue Reading

Soup Lines

The ladies of Mystery Lovers Kitchen invited me over today for a post and a giveaway.  Stop by and read about soup in America and the Great Depression. Continue Reading